Blue’s Kitchen believe that the eyes appreciate first, when Blue’s Kitchen see their food, then their nose consumes the aroma from the flavours and lastly their taste buds once Blue’s Kitchen devour the dish. Blue’s Kitchen believe in good presentation, great aroma and the best taste served at Blue’s Kitchen. Definitely, the most difficult thing about finding authentic Thai and Japanese food in the city is that most restaurants are rather steeply priced or do not use authentic ingredients sourced from the originating countries.

Blue’s Kitchen serves the best dining experience for someone looking for authentic Thai and Japanese Cuisine in the heart of Mumbai at reasonable prices. A classy and minimalistic approach, their twenty one cover eatery is designed simplistically to focus on the food and nothing more. Blue’s Kitchen recommend the whole menu, however their diners most loved dishes are the Sushi, Katsu Curry, Papaya Salad, Blue’s Kitchen Special Blue Fried Rice, Butterfly Pea juice, Honey Toast with Sesame Ice Cream and so much more. A special favourite is the crunchy prawns tempura – the customer can hear the crunch two tables away!

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