FitnessOne franchise opportunity for those looking to make a living in the fitness industry!
FitnessOne India was founded in September 2004 with a single facility and several goals. By September 2005, the solitary gym in Chennai’s upscale Alwarpet neighbourhood had expanded to six additional sites, bringing the total to seven. The FitnessOne brand recall was soon followed by word.

Interesting advertising drew people in, but bright, cheerful surroundings, top-notch scientifically developed workout instruction, and world-class equipment kept customers satisfied. They became brand ambassadors, and knowledge about FitnessOne spread quickly. Other similar divisions were formed since the company was not content to rest on its laurels.

Women are gaining more power

By late 2006, there were plans in the works to launch a new gym chain. In India, there is nothing like it. Pink – the women’s exercise centre – has just recently become a primary emphasis. The desire to open franchises leads to the creation of new businesses and job possibilities.

Office Spaces Are Getting Fitter

FitnessOne opened on work campuses as a result of a determined team of powerful fitness advocates, supported by years of thorough study. The division of FPO (Fitness Process Outsourcing) was established.

Energy of the Equipment

Fitness equipment was brought under the FitnessOne umbrella in the form of a new brand name, Propel, in early 2007. FitnessOne Factory is a division that sells many brands of home and business fitness equipment.

Fitness One Is Concerned

FitnessOne has formed a branch solely dedicated to spreading the benefits of exercise, in addition to the business aspects of exercise and health. CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, has started an anti-obesity programme in a tiny school in Chennai as a first step. Plans are in the works to hold Sports Extravaganzas for underprivileged schoolchildren.

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