We’re leading Courier
Service in Worldwide
Our Door-To-Door ‘service has a strong Nationwide Network supported by ‘State-Of-The-Art Infrastructure, backed by immaculately designed systems. Our nationwide network covers every square inch of India though container body vehicles ensure safety and speed of the material. The Operational Network is live round the clock, all 365 days of the year and gives you best our customized service. All this and a little more for you! The strong IT backbone of the company offers user-friendly front-end solutions through the cloud base web site. The special features are real time web-based tracking, scanned image of Proof of Delivery (EPOD), management reports, etc. You have the ultimate in line track-and-trace solutions aided by GPS & proprietary ERP solution. You can track consignments with high degree of mobility using our SMS & Email facility as well. We have a good holding infrastructure for keeping your good.

Since our launch in 2015, to deliver high value package.

We always provide flexible & quality task.

Uninque latest machinary used the Logistics project.

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